FixExpress (v8.x)


* FIX 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 
* C++, STL
* Bi-directional TCP/IP Socket communication, session control
* Linux, Fedora Core 10, POSIX 3
* Real time processing
* Both Client and Server implementation
* Multi-Threading, multi-processes
* Unix IPCs - Shared memory, Message Queue
* Online Monitoring
* Emulator tools, scripts available
* Source code available for licensing
FixExpress is a pure FIX (FINANCIAL INFORMATIONEXCHANGE PROTOCOL) session level support gateway. It is a high performance, low latency, bi-directional, event-driven, real time message delivery, and object oriented multi-threading communication software product. It supports Equity, Options, and ForEx trading messages.

FixExpress package includes client, server, emulation, online monitoring tools, and a user-friendly inter-processes communication object support library. Client and server application processes inbound and outbound FIX messages concurrently, and delivers application messages in real time.

FixExpress can be setup in a few minutes, and turn your application to a real time processing.

FixExpress Server is a multi-connection multi-threading support application. It is a best solution for the sell-side financial firm or an exchange to provide FIX connections with their clients. With a simple user configuration, one single server process can support many client connections. With multiple server processes running, hundreds of clients can be covered with a single system.     

FixExpress Client is a single-connection multi-threading support application. It is a best solution for a buy-side financial firm to get connected to an exchange. With multiple processes running in a single system, more different connections can be established with your existing application. 

FixExpress Tools includes online monitor, message receiver, message sender, FIX log viewer. 

FT OMS is a web server-based equity order management system. It manages equity orders in a centralized database and process order requests and execution information in bi-directional, real time, and object oriented multi-threading server communication environment.   

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FT Computer Solutions
114 Hazelwood Ave.
Edison, NJ 08837

Free Download FixExpress 

Version OS Updated
FixExpress8.0 FedoraCode10 (x86-64); 03/06/2013
FixExpress4.1 EnterpriseLinux  06/18/2009
FixExpress3.3 XubuntoLinux (32bits) 02/22/2009
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